FBLA中学2022-23 年竞赛活动主题

2022-23 年的竞争活动主题如下。有关所有赛事的完整概述、要求和标准,请参阅 2022-23 年竞技赛事指南

Business Ethics

The ethics of a high school newspaper editor possibly selling ad space to a weight loss company. Click here to access the full topic/case study.

Elevator Speech

You and the other FBLA middle school members at your school are attending a CTSO Legislative Day at your State Capitol. You are introduced to one of your local legislators and he/she asks what FBLA is. In a 30-second elevator speech, share with the legislator an example of a chapter activity that you’ve participated in and how you have benefitted from membership in FBLA.

Exploring Business Issues

In the last few years, businesses have struggled to hire quality employees and retain employees. Businesses are finding it more difficult to fill vacant positions or are not receiving qualified applicants. Another challenge is once they hire new employees, they are finding it difficult to retain these employees. The last obstacle is to retain employees they already have in the company with experience or years of service. What strategic plan could you give to a business to fill vacant positions? What advice could you give to a business to retain employees? Explain your reasoning.

Multimedia & Website Development

Develop a how-to website that assists students in your grade with a topic you are learning in your business, information technology, English, mathematics, science, social studies, OR world language class. The website must include, but is not limited to, the following:

An animated theme and logo that includes music.
A form classmates can submit in order to ask for your assistance with the topic.

Video Game Challenge

Create an animated game, in any language or game/animation engine, with keyboard and/or mouse input.

2022-23 年FBLA高中竞赛活动主题

2022-23 年的竞争活动主题如下。有关所有赛事的完整概述、要求和标准,请参阅 2022-23 年竞技赛事指南。

Broadcast Journalism

You or your team members work for a local news station. Write, develop, and deliver a live news report with at least one pre-recorded interview. Cover at least three of the following areas or stories:

Business (global) – A story or current event impacting the global economy
Entrepreneurship (local) – A story about a local business (real or fictional) in the area
Event – A story about the FBLA State or National Leadership Conference
Education – A report on financial literacy
Finance – A report on the stock market, interest rates, or another current financial event

Business Ethics

The ethics of an art club supervisor possibly purchasing lower-quality supplies for this year’s Craft Fair. Click here to access the full topic/case study.

Business Financial Plan

Create a business financial plan to start a new food truck business in your community. Determine what type of food truck will benefit your community and the funds needed for the start-up. Include data or research that will help to make informed decisions about future resources and goals. Include the general operating costs of your food truck, start-up costs, and a plan of action of where to park your mobile business.

Coding & Programming

Develop a program that will help improve student involvement at your school. This original computer program will track student participation and attendance at school events. Once students participate or attend events, they are awarded points. You must have a way to pick a random winner each quarter from each grade level, as well as the student with the top point accumulation. The number of points a person has accumulated will translate to the prize they will win. You will need to have at least three prizes (a school reward, a food reward, and a school spirit item).

Assign a point value for participating in or attending events.
Must have at least five sporting events and five non-sports school events.
Track students’ names, grades, points.
Generate a report at the end of the quarter to show points per student in each grade.
Data must be stored persistently. Storage may be in a relational database, a document-oriented NoSQL database, flat text files, flat JSON, or XFBLA Middle School files.
The user interface must be a GUI with a minimum of five different control types including such things as drop-down lists, text fields, checkboxes, date picker, or other relevant control types.
All data entry must be validated with appropriate user notification and error messages including the use of required fields.

Computer Game & Simulation Programming

In 2022, Wordle and similar word games were all the rage across the world. Develop a word game with rules and a theme of your choice.

The game should be an executable game, either through the Internet or through a local installation (review guidelines about Internet access at the National Leadership Conference).
The game should contain a scoreboard.
The game should contain a leaderboard and celebratory messages.
The game should have a minimum of three levels.
The game should have an instructional display.

Data Analysis

WidgetCo is a new international business selling widgets to customers in China, France, Canada, and the United States. In determining the suitability to conduct business in these countries, WidgetCo executives need an effective data analysis of the datasets that are available. You are working on WidgetCo’s data analysis team. Your team will provide recommendations to the WidgetCo executives about opportunities and challenges that they may encounter now or in the future. Using the datasets given, in addition to your own supplemental research, analyze the data and provide analyses and recommendations about the opportunities and challenges facing the business.

The following datasets are given for each country (China, France, Canada, and the United States)

Population, total
Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
Population growth (annual %)
Net migration
Human Capital Index (HCI) (scale 0-1)
GDP (current US$)
GDP per capita (current US$)
GDP growth (annual %)
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
Open-source datasets provided by the World Bank at World Bank Group – International Development, Poverty, & Sustainability.

Digital Animation

Create an animated advertisement for a new technology product. Examples include, but are not limited to, a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or smartwatch. All content must be original.

Digital Video Production

Create a promotional video for an event in your community or school, with teenagers in your community as the target audience. All video content must be original.


Develop and create an E-business site for a local bed and breakfast, hotel, or other lodging venue in your community. The business can be real or fictional. The website should include a company identity including a name, logo, and brand. The website should have elements of a typical lodging facility including contact information, the ability to make reservations, view different room types, view amenities, and local attractions. Ensure that your E-business site includes:

An e-commerce tool showing prices for different lodging types
A scheduling tool allowing customers to book lodging
An API to an online map service showing different local attractions
The E-business site does NOT need to be published; however, if you publish the website, you must obtain permissions in accordance with the competitive event guidelines and proper copyright law.

Graphic Design

Your organization has been hired as a consultant to design a new brand identity for a new, fictional nonprofit organization. The fictional nonprofit is an organization that supports youth development with afterschool programs and summer camps. Give the non-profit a name. The brand should be modern, bright, and vibrant to attract youth. In accordance with your brand guidelines, design a t-shirt, a baseball cap, a toy, and two other promotional items of your choice.

Introduction to Business Presentation

You are trying to raise money to attend a business leadership training program in New York City. This would be a week-long summer program that will cost $2,000. You will prepare a presentation that can be used in front of potential sponsors from your community. Be sure to include why you should attend, and the benefit you will receive and bring back to your school.

Introduction to Public Speaking

Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic: My biggest concern for the future is…

Introduction to Social Media Strategy

Create a social media campaign to promote involvement in FBLA at your school. Address the following in your social media strategy:

A schedule of social media posts
An example of social media posts
The promotional plan of the campaign
The plan to develop awareness of FBLA
Do not create live accounts.

Mobile Application Development

Create a mobile application for your school to help keep parents and the community up to date. The app needs to include upcoming events, important information such as school calendar and activities schedule, a way for teachers and students to share photos, and a way for parents to notify school of student absences. The app must also include one additional item that is recommended by your administration.

The app must be designed for a phone/tablet.
The operating system must be mobile based such as Android or iOS.
The app should state its licensing and terms of use.

Public Service Announcement

After recovering from the global pandemic many social issues in our communities and country have been brought to light. Develop a Public Service Announcement about a social issue that affects teenagers. Your job is to bring awareness about that topic to your peers, school, and community.

Public Speaking

Develop and deliver a speech based on the following topic: How should higher education transform to better serve the needs of students and the workforce?

Publication Design

You have been asked by your school activities director to create a publication highlighting the activities within your school. You will develop a five-page online magazine showcasing your school’s activities, including:

A print advertisement for a club or organization
A story about a school activity or event
Three other pages including information and designs of your choice.

Social Media Strategies

Create a social media campaign to advocate for awareness about food insecurity in your community. This should bring awareness of the issue and provide solutions to help solve the problem. Address the following in your social media strategy:

A schedule of social media posts
An example of social media posts
The promotional plan of the campaign
The plan to develop awareness of the issue.
Do not create live accounts.

Website Design

Develop a website for a local business. This business can be real or fictional, but must serve the members of your community. The website should include the following elements:

Header with logo
Call to action button
Form to subscribe to receive announcements
Navigation menu
Footer to include credits to website creators and copyright information
The website does NOT need to be published; however, if you publish the website, you must obtain permissions in accordance with the competitive event guidelines and proper copyright law.


Business Ethics

What has the COVID pandemic taught corporate America about doing business during a global crisis? Between 2020-2022, the COVID-19 crisis forced a fundamental shift of work and life around the world – and impacted the U.S. greatly. Some reports indicate that the pandemic affected the lower socioeconomic sector the most and a lot of the blame has been placed on businesses. What are the ethical implications for businesses to support local communities in times of crisis? How did some companies flourish and some fail to meet these ethical challenges?

Business Law

From Hollywood to the White House, the issue of wage gaps is a hot topic. The U.S. Women’s Soccer team won a huge U.S. Supreme Court case trying to “right past wrongs” and close this gap. The idea of “equal pay for equal work” has been the law for decades but disparities persist, and a renewed focus on pay equity is creating new laws and regulations in states around the country. Research a recent case that shows how companies are meeting these challenges. What legal issues did they face and what was the outcome? Do you agree with the outcome? Why or why not?

Business Presentation

After two years of working remotely, workers are questioning office life. What was once normal culture to work 8-5 in an office five days a week, shifted to entirely remote for many businesses when the pandemic started. With the end of the pandemic, businesses are now faced with re-evaluating their office policies. Develop a presentation that discusses the benefits and drawbacks of working entirely in the office, having a hybrid model, and working entirely remote. Provide your recommendation on which policy you would implement.

Business Sustainability

Many businesses today are analyzing their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics to report on their sustainability practices. Review an ESG report for a company near you and summarize their practices. Research other potential strategies they could implement in each of these areas and provide recommendations.

Desktop Publishing

Over the past two years, we have seen a change in the way we do business, attend classes, and join extracurricular organizations. Many colleges have increased their online class schedules. This may have forced many FBLA Collegiate chapters to reassess how they hold meetings and schedule events. How can FBLA Collegiate have an online presence at your college? How can you promote FBLA Collegiate to students only taking online classes at your college? How can you bring together the online and in-person students at your college? Create the following to address the above concerns and/or other solutions to this situation:

  • An infographic that addresses the different modalities of how students can be involved in your FBLA Collegiate chapter in-person or online.
  • A brochure that promotes changes to your chapter format.
  • Using Canva, InDesign, Piktochart, Publisher, or another tool of your choice, create a presentation that promotes how students can be FBLA Collegiate members online and/or in-person.

Digital Media

You have been given the task of creating a marketing video promoting your hometown. The video should include all that you believe to be the best attributes of your hometown (examples: local retail shops, restaurants, unique places for someone to visit, etc.). Multiple digital media techniques should be used in a seamless manner that tells the story of your hometown.

Emerging Business Issues

Our next global crisis coming out of the pandemic is mental health. Researchers are seeing mental health statistics at record low ratings. Are businesses doing enough to address mental health in the workforce? Discuss the affirmative and the negative using examples.

Future Business Educator

All business decisions create incentives but sometimes cause spillover effects or unintended consequences. As a high school business teacher, create a unit plan that addresses an unintended consequence within business decision making as part of an introductory business management course.

Social Media Marketing

The social media landscape is changing and expanding to include new platforms. A small business that currently only uses Facebook and Instagram asks your advice on which new platform(s) they should use to reach their audience and how to launch their brand into the conversation. Make a recommendation and a launch strategy complete with applicable content to meet the goal.

Strategic Analysis & Decision Making

“Rivian is one of the EV startups with unique vehicle design, proprietary skateboard vehicle platform, battery technology and financial funding from big companies such as Amazon and Ford. The company gained a lot of attention from automotive companies when it showcased its electric pickup truck (R1T) and SUV (R1S) in the 2018 LA Auto Show. Rivian is both an automotive and technology company with a vision to change consumer perception of electric vehicles. Some of the unique features of Rivian’s vehicles are design, real off-road capabilities, 400+ miles range, and 0-60 mph acceleration in just 3 seconds.” (Market Insider, January 2020)

Utilize a subset of the following strategic tools to develop a recommended strategy to take advantage of the strengths of Rivian or negate the weaknesses of Rivian. You will present the recommended strategy and the analysis utilized to develop the strategy. Tool options include but are not limited to:

  • External Analysis: Macro Environment, Industry Environment, Competitive Analysis
  • Internal Analysis: Financial Analysis, SWOT Analysis
  • Strategy Formulation: Vision, Mission, Goals, Objective Analysis, Market
  • Demands Analysis, Business Strategy Options Development
  • Strategy Recommendation
  • Strategic Recommendation Implementation Issues

Website Design

You have been asked by your local Chamber of Commerce to develop a website for them that will promote the food truck vendors in your city. The Chamber has designated a certain area of the city for all food truck vendors to park. The website should promote this area as “Food Truck Alley” for your city. The website should include the following elements:

  • A header that promotes ‘Food Truck Alley’
  • It should list all the different food truck vendors
  • It should list the menu for each food truck that will be located in Food
  • Truck Alley
  • Navigation Menu
  • Form to submit online ordering
  • A calendar or schedule element or page